Frontend News aims to keep you updated with what's happening in the world of web dev! With the latest news and resources from the design & development community.

The Evolution Of Jamstack Article

The Evolution Of Jamstack

Web-oriented databases, frameworks like Nuxt and Next.js, and even frameworkless approaches are evolving the Jamstack, but the core principles are more powerful than ever.

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WebPageTest API Visual

WebPageTest API

Check out the WebPageTest API, a neat tool for developers to test literally anything and everything!

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How to Monitor Core Web Vitals and Take Action with Raygun

How to Monitor Core Web Vitals and Take Action with Raygun

Looking for an effective way to monitor your core web vitals? Try Raygun! It's error and performance monitoring software that lets you watch the performance of your site over time.

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Undoing Mistakes With Git

A Guide To Undoing Mistakes With Git (Part 1)

No matter how experienced you are, mistakes are an inevitable part of software development. But we can learn to repair them! And this is what we’ll be looking at in this two-part series: how to undo mistakes using Git.

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Car in factory

What UX teams can learn from a 1980s car plant in Fremont

NUMMI, a joint partnership between GM and Toyota, offers lessons in teamwork, leadership, and quality control.

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Shopify Pie Chart

Improving The Performance Of Shopify Themes (Case Study)

When dealing with themes for large platforms and CMS, legacy issues often become a bottleneck. In this article, Carson Shold discusses how his team improved the performance and organization of their Shopify themes, and improved maintainability along the way.

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Using Forms in React

Using Forms in React

In this article we’ll see how to build forms using plain React, with no libraries. You’ll learn how forms really work, so you can confidently build them yourself. And if later you choose to add a form library, you’ll know how they work under the hood.

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Rich Text Editor Demo

Building A Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG)

In this article, we will learn how to build a WYSIWYG/Rich-Text Editor that supports rich text, images, links and some nuanced features from word processing apps. SlateJS is used to build the shell of the editor and then add a toolbar and custom configurations.

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Neon text demo

How to Create Neon Text With CSS

In this article, we’re going to see how to add glowing effects to text. We’ll also take a look at various ways to animate the neon signs, all using CSS and keyframes.

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Calendly’s UX example

Calendly’s effortless scheduling experience

Calendly’s recent rebrand is a fine example of UX; mastering the customer journey, from the initial website greeting through to the ongoing product usage.

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Webpack dependencies

Getting Started With Webpack

Modern browsers provide good support for JavaScript modules, but module bundlers such as webpack stay a critical part of the JavaScript toolchain. Let’s take a deep dive into what webpack is and how to use it in your development workflow.

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How To Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Issues Article Card

How To Fix Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) Issues

Google’s Core Web Vitals initiative has taken the SEO and Web Performance worlds by storm and many sites are busy optimizing their Page Experience to maximize the ranking factor. The Cumulative Layout Shift metric is causing trouble to a lot of sites, so let’s have a look at ways of addressing any issues for that metric.

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Developer Illustration

Front-End Testing is For Everyone

Testing is one of those things that you either get super excited about or kinda close your eyes and walk away. Whichever camp you fall into, this article will show you that front-end testing is for everyone.

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Shoptalk Logo

Shoptalk Episode 465

Chris & Dave talk about linters, and whether we should deliver single file HTML? Should you focus on a specific tool or be more general? And they revisit the topic of social image previews.

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A little about me..

Hey, I’m Tim! 👋

I’m a freelance business owner, web developer & author. I teach both new and experienced freelancers how to build a sustainable and successful freelancing business. Check out my Complete Guide to Freelancing if you'd like to find out more.

While you're here, you can browse through my blogs where I post freelancing tips, code tutorials, design inspiration, useful tools & resources, and much more! You can also join the newsletter, or find me on X.

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