Frontend News aims to keep you updated with what's happening in the world of web dev! With the latest news and resources from the design & development community.
How To Help Your Clients Get More Backlinks Through Design
Backlinks are so highly sought after in marketing, web designers should have this on their radar as they design websites for clients.
Why Developers should Design Niche Portfolio Sites for Themselves
A look at how to design niche portfolio sites that instantly impress prospective clients and save you the trouble in trying to find and sell them yourself!
Forms And Validation In Ionic React
In this tutorial, you will learn how to build forms when working with Ionic React and how to make these forms interactive by adding validation rules with helpful text hints.
A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Building the Site
A neat tutorial showing us how to develop an Eleventy setup that you can use as a starting point for your own community (or personal) site.
Let’s Make Generative Art We Can Export to SVG and PNG
This article shows how to make exportable generative art! Simple and powerful :)
radEventListener: a Tale of Client-side Framework Performance
A deep dive into react performance with a user-focussed approach.
Setting Up An API Using Flask, Google’s Cloud SQL And App Engine
In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to set up Google Cloud, Cloud SQL, and App Engine to build a Flask API. (Cloud SQL is a fully managed platform-as-a-service (PaaS) database engine, and App Engine is a fully managed PaaS for hosting applications.)
A Community-Driven Site with Eleventy: Preparing for Contributions
This earlier stage of the Eleventy tutorial shows us how to prepare for community contribution.
Inspired Design Decisions With Bradbury Thompson: The Art Of Graphic Design
In this final article, Andy brings together lessons from all his previous articles to teach you about choosing color palettes, working with compound and modular grids, and designing graphical and readable typography.
Mastering Props And PropTypes In React
This tutorial will introduce you to the details about props, passing and accessing props, and passing information to any component using props.
Backlogs, Issues vs Discussions vs Chatting, and Trying Not to Waste Your Shot
Dave's gave a talk on backlogs, Chris has issues with Issues vs Discussions vs Chatting (and GIFs), and trying not to waste your time on ideas and projects when you have limited time to do them in.
What Happens When Border Radii Overlap?
A concise look at handling scenarios involving overlapping borders.
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A little about me..
Hey, I’m Tim! 👋
I’m a freelance business owner, web developer & author. I teach both new and experienced freelancers how to build a sustainable and successful freelancing business. Check out my Complete Guide to Freelancing if you'd like to find out more.
While you're here, you can browse through my blogs where I post freelancing tips, code tutorials, design inspiration, useful tools & resources, and much more! You can also join the newsletter, or find me on X.
Thanks for reading! 🎉